If any man thirst...
John 7:37

How LifeStraw Family Works:
LifeStraw Family uses advanced hollow fiber technology. Water is forced through narrow fibers under high pressure. Clean water exits through tiny pores in the walls of the hollow fibers, but bacteria, viruses, protozoa and other contaminants are trapped inside the hollow fibers and are flushed out by backwashing. This is a highly efficient method of filtration.
The feed water bucket (2 liter capacity) is filled with water.
The 80-micron textile pre-filter (inside the feed water bucket) removes coarser particles and is easy to clean.
Water passes through the meter-long blue PVC hose and gravity creates sufficient pressure on the membrane cartridge in order to reach a high flow rate.
Ultra filtration takes place in the hollow fiber membrane cartridge - a pore size of 20 nanometers (0.02 microns) retains bacteria, viruses, parasites and fine dirt particles.
The blue tap is turned to release purified water.
Backwash the membrane by squeezing the red backwash bulb 3 times with both taps closed and then releasing the dirty water from the red tap. Water from the red tap should never be consumed.

Common Questions:
Does the LifeStraw Family 1.0 require a power source?
The LifeStraw Family 1.0 is a gravity filter and does not require any power source. No batteries or electricity is needed.
Does the LifeStraw Family 1.0 remove viruses with iodine?
The LifeStraw Family 1.0 filters out contaminants without electricity, moving parts or chemicals. It will remove 99.999% of viruses through advanced filtering technology.
Does the LifeStraw Family 1.0 filter out salt water and/or chemicals?
The LifeStraw Family 1.0 is designed for the backcountry and will filter out 99.9999% of waterborne bacteria, 99.9% of waterborne protozoan parasites and 99.999% of viruses and. Salt water and chemicals will not be removed.
Can I buy replacement parts or filters for the LifeStraw Family 1.0?
There are no replacement parts or filters available for the LifeStraw Family 1.0. The LifeStraw Family 1.0 filters 18,000L of water. This means that if used daily, a family of 5 can receive clean drinking water for 3 years.
How will I know when the LifeStraw Family 1.0 has reached 18,000L of water?
LifeStraw Family 1.0 has an auto-clog mechanism. If the product does not deliver water despite the backwashing and pre-filter cleaning, it means that the life of the product is over. LifeStraw Family 1.0 will filter on average about 10 liters of water an hour and can filter more than 18,000 liters over the product's lifecycle. That is enough to provide a typical family of five up to three years worth of clean and safe water.
Can I drink pool water with LifeStraw products?
Pool water contains chlorine and other chemicals. LifeStraw products can only filter out bacteria and parasites, not chemicals.
How do you know when your LifeStraw has reached capacity?
When your LifeStraw has reached capacity, it will no longer be able to draw water through the filter. To extend the life of your LifeStraw, please follow the instructions on the manual to properly back flush the unit.
How does your donation model work?
For every LifeStraw product sold, one school child in Africa receives clean drinking water for an entire school year. This year, we will be providing clean drinking water to 500 schools in Kenya. For more information, check out our Follow The Litres campaign.
What is the shelf life of LifeStraw products?
LifeStraw products use mechanical filters to remove contaminants from the water source. No chemicals or moving parts are involved within the filtering process, meaning nothing will expire. If stored in room temperature, the LifeStraw will last indefinitely until it reaches capacity...even after use!