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2016 Jamaica

Pastor Kyle Sullivan
March 28th - April 3rd

This trip marks our 7th Soccer Camp Ministry team. We have been partnering with Pastor Audley Black from Black River, Jamaica in reaching boys ages 8-15 with the gospel through soccer.


The camp begins on Tuesday, March 29th and ends on Saturday, April 2nd. Up to 40 boys attend each year and participate in a very full schedule. Morning devotional hikes begin each day at 5:30 AM followed by campus clean up then breakfast. A morning chapel is followed by skills drills then lunch.

After lunch there is a rest hour then an afternoon chapel followed by round robin games.

Dinner is served when the sun sets, then an evening service after clean up. Snack shop is open until the whistle blows for evening devotions and lights out is usually around 10:30.


The week ends with the boys playing in a seeded tournament on Friday evening. With the consolation game being played at 6:00 AM on Saturday.


One of the highlights of the week is the camper vs counselor game on Friday evening. Alum from previous camps come to watch the game and cheer on their young friends. So far counselors are 5-1 in this matchup.


Each year the 7-10 American team members involved

have been able to see young boys trust Christ as Savior

and other boys make decisions to walk with Jesus.  


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